Today, we share our weekly World Tribune preview!
The August 10 issue includes an article about our 100 Days Of Unity campaign, a truly powerful episode of the New Human Revolution, where Sensei meets with visually-impaired members, a story on Central Territory's amazing kic koff in Chicago and, of course, Sensei's incredible encouragement, including an essay on his 60th year of practice and a portion of his May 31 address. Please see below!
The best way to see Sensei's guidance come to life is through SGI-USA's monthly video showings of the Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meetings. (Learn the time and place of the monthly broadcast through your local organization.)
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From Sensei's August Editorial - "A Confident Pledge for Victory"
The spirit that runs throughout the Lotus Sutra is that of disciples making a pledge to their mentor to widely propagate the Law.
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Our minds are easily swayed by external influences and change with dizzying rapidity. Nothing is less reliable. That’s why it’s so important to make a pledge to accomplish a goal. Those who cherish a pledge and strive to fulfill it are strong, genuine and true, and they can achieve lives of profound satisfaction and fulfillment.
Moreover, Soka Gakkai members,who have pledged to realize kosen-rufu and are practicing the correct teaching in all of the three categories of action—thought, word and deed—are completely at one with the mind of the Buddha. They can limitlessly tap the wisdom and power of Buddhahood from the innermost depths of their beings.
From Sensei's May 31 Address at a nationwide divisional representatives conference
“Valor’s the pledge of victory.” Thus wrote the great Russian author Leo Tolstoy, articulating a philosophy for winning in any sphere of life.
“Win with courage!”—I impart this lion’s roar to the youth division members. It takes courage to establish happiness, to triumph over life’s hardships, to help others and to take action for the sake of peace. Courage is the source of action, commitment and success.
Lack of courage is the common trait of all those who are spineless, devious and selfserving. The basest and most frightening of all are those who succumb to personal weakness, sacrifice their integrity and hide behind a false front. Never let that happen to you. Resolve to win with courage.
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Great individuals always have great mentors or teachers. It is the disciple who makes the mentor great—make no mistake about it. Without that spirit, we have no future.
The future of the Soka Gakkai can only be entrusted to the youth. There will always be challenges facing us, be it in the Soka Gakkai, in life or in society. Those who are earnest, dedicated and courageous will win. I hope all our youth will move forward with the awareness that they are the forerunners of our movement.
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