Viva Puerto Rico! Buenos dias! Hola Mi Gente! Invocar Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo para la felicidad invididual y la paz mundial. (Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for individual happiness and world peace.)
Last weekend, The East Territory Youth Leaders traveled to Puerto Rico to support the youth. (Thank you so much to the Men’s and Women’s Division leaders for your total support!) We were only in Puerto Rico for two days, but based on the incredible momentum created by the members, it felt as if we were there for several months. Our goal as youth leaders was not just to go to there, but together fully supporting the local youth leadership we determined to create a joyful wave of shakubuku in Puerto Rico Area. This weekend, we are happy to report that the youth division of Puerto Rico created history.
We arrived safely on Friday and right away, the YWD were able to accomplish some key home visits that resulted in inspiring one young woman to receive the Gohonzon the next night.
On Saturday, as a result of the hard work of the incredible local youth leadership, the YMD and the YWD split into teams to visit members and guest throughout Puerto Rico! We accomplished 12 key home visits. Within these home visits, three more youth guests decided to receive Gohonzon (one young woman and two young men). We are certain that most of these 12 youth will soon be ready to take on District and Chapter responsibilities.
In the evening, we participated in the youth-sponsored intro to Buddhism meeting, which 32 people attended, including eight guests. Among the guests, two young women received the Gohonzon. They were so happy. We had incredible open dialogue about the practice. One of young women that received Gohonzon brought her mother. Although the mother is not a member, she shared how she was so happy that her daughter was now a part of such an incredible organization.
On Sunday, we attended a Kosen-Rufu Gongyo meeting, where members from every chapter in Puerto Rico attended! The meeting was wonderful. Five new members joined—3 young men and 2 men—bringing the total to seven new members over the weekend. (Three more men are confirmed to receive this week. )
One YMD decided to join during Sensei’s video. It was incredible to have one more person receive Gohonzon after hearing encouragement from Sensei. All the YMD leaders fought really hard to encourage this person to take this important step to changing his life!
Puerto Rico Area is now preparing to host a conference in October for the entire Caribbean Region. We are happy to report that Byakuren is well under way and is determined to create a solid group towards the event. The YMD have also made a strong determination to create Gajokai and develop a strong core group of dedicated YMD that will begin Gajokai shifts officially on August 24.
With fresh determination, the members of Puerto Rico are determined to continue the momentum created this weekend. Since they welcomed seven members to the practice by the fifth day of the month, it made Puerto Rico Area the #1 Area in East Territory!
When planning for this weekend, we all had one goal in mind—to fight all the way in shakubuku. With August being Men’s Division Month, the youth and the women’s members of East Territory are determined to fully support and win. The momentum created in Puerto Rico is just the beginning. When the youth are united, we can achieve anything. Let’s respond to Sensei with incredible victories. Let’s challenge ourselves to do shakubuku!
Viva Puerto Rico! Thank you very much!
East Territory Youth Leaders
Ebony, Tami, Kwan and Carlos
1 comment:
Congratulations Puerto Rico!!! You all look great :)
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