In 2005, the young women introduced the four Gs – the Gosho, Gohonzon, Guidance of Sensei and the Gakkai – as our guidelines for faith. As we move into the second act, we'd like to make these the guidelines for all SGI-USA youth, as an expression of our commitment to change our lives, families, society and the world by undergoing our own human revolution. If we can live our lives by these guidelines, there is nothing we cannot change or accomplish.
Today, we share key guidance from Sensei underscoring each of the 4Gs.
With deepest appreciation and respect,
Kimmy, Nathan and Vinessa
As President Ikeda shared, "There is no greater loss than failing to read the Daishonin's writings, because the answers to solving all of the most difficult problems in life and society are found therein. The Daishonin's writings are filled with compassion as deep as the ocean. They contain boundless wisdom, conviction and a burning fighting spirit. The fundamental law governing all life and the universe is clearly revealed in the Daishonin's writings" (WT, 9/3/04, p. IV).
We should always base ourselves on prayer. As the Gosho states, "Utilize the strategy of the Lotus Sutra before any other." Also as Sensei shared at the January Headquarters leaders meeting, "Second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda said: "Just keep chanting earnestly and wholeheartedly to the Gohonzon. Most people aren't aware of this simple principle. It may seem like the long way around, but actually it's the shortest and surest way forward" (World Tribune, 2/9/07, p. 2).
Guidance of Sensei
"The mentor-disciple relationship is the heart of Buddhism; it is the key to limitless growth and self-improvement and the path to the unending triumph of truth and justice. It is based on the profound vow to relieve human beings of suffering. My mentor poured his heart and soul into fostering me, and I responded by replying to his expectations with the whole of my being. I am what I am today because of that mentor-and-disciple struggle that transcends life and death" (From the poem, The Eternal Triumph of Mentor and Disciple, 2/2/01 WT).
We must continue to support and protect this organization, which enables people to embrace and practice Nichiren Buddhism. President Toda said: "those who do not value the organization are practicing self-centered faith. With such faith you cannot expect to receive the truly profound benefits of this practice." Working hard within the organization for peoples' happiness and welfare is itself the truly noble Buddhist practice (World Tribune, 5/26/97).
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