
To My Friends

Friday, September 14

It is most important that our Young Women's Division members
devote themselves to the study of Buddhism as much as they can.
The two ways of practice and study are
the most certain paths to attaining true happiness in life
and to leading a victorious and successful life in society.

Each day, Sensei's daily poem "To My Friends" appears in the Soka Gakkai newspaper, the Seikyo Shimbun. To subscribe to a daily English translation, send an e-mail here.

* President Toda's constant guidance to the young women was, 'Become happy!' That encapsulates the very essence of why we practice this Buddhism. Then how can we secure this state of absolute happiness? Nichiren Daishonin revealed the way to do so and that is 'by chanting daimoku to the Gohonzon' Surely nothing could be simpler. There is no greater philosophy or Buddhist teaching than the Daishonin's, which enables all people to attain happiness."

"You who possess this lofty, noble philosophy are the women who will lead the next era. You all must strive to become capable of doing so. As daughters and disciples of Nichiren Daishonin, as pioneers of the Daishonin's Buddhism, you all have vital roles to play in spreading its teachings, in bringing happiness to our friends across Asia and throughout the world. I hope you will be deeply aware of your noble mission and continue to further your understanding of Buddhism through study. ..." The study of Buddhist philosophy serves as a guide for our practice of faith.
Human emotions are subject to change. And an intense passion for faith may sometimes cool; determination to practice may waver. That is when the study of Buddhist principles illuminates the path of faith along which we should proceed. (The New Human Revolution, Vol. 5, "Victory" chapter)


"Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study."

(The True Aspect of All Phenomena, The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, page 386)

Saturday, September 15


"Sincerity is the cornerstone of Buddhism and daily life. Educational background and social status are inconsequential by comparison; they have no relation to the quality of a person's character. Moreover, the realm of the Daishonin's Buddhism is one of equality where everyone is striving together for the same goal. How hard we have worked for the sake of kosen-rufu; how earnestly we have striven to support the Soka Gakkai, the organisation of kosen-rufu; and how assiduously we have exerted ourselves for the happiness and welfare of our fellow members and others in our lives--these form the criteria for a 'degree in life,' a 'degree in Buddhism'--the most important of all 'degrees.'

"I hope that you will exert yourselves energetically for kosen-rufu, proud of the fact that you are acquiring an unsurpassed education in the field of humanity and life."


Acquiring an Unsurpassed Education in Life, (At the sixth session of the Nationwide Executive Conference, held on August 9th, 2007, attended by regional leaders as well as national divisional representatives), translated
Sep 12th, 2007

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