How can we become youth who live without doubt and confusion, uncertainty and fear? These are the feelings that stop so many young people from fulfilling their dreams and living happy lives. When overcome by these feelings, young people are paralyzed and unable to bring out their potential or live out their mission.
The 100 Days of Unity campaign presented the perfect opportunity to ask ourselves how we can win through each of us discovering the oneness of mentor and disciple in our own lives. Together with the chapter and area youth leaders, LA North Region decided to kick off this campaign so that every youth would have a chance to join.
After so many young women experienced incredible breakthroughs as a result of the earlier 100 Days to Happiness campaign, we knew this would be an opportunity for every member to make his or her own connection with Sensei.
We chanted and discussed how we wanted our kick off meeting to impact every person that attended.
Through this discussion, we began asking — so openly and honestly — all the questions we usually keep buried inside: “Why do I need a mentor?” “Why should President Ikeda be my mentor?” “Am I really living my life as a disciple, or am I living as a follower?” “Are they closer to President Ikeda than I am?”
After asking ourselves these questions, we came up with a question for our region’s central focus for this campaign: “If Sensei were to come to LA North on October 2, what breakthrough would I share with him?” This is the question so many youth are now asking themselves.
After more than a year of weekly youth-led chanting sessions focused on the oneness of mentor and disciple, this campaign has become the source from which so many seeds of mentor and disciple are blossoming.
One young woman, a one-year member, reflected that she’s never seen a full video of Sensei’s speech. But she declared to all the youth at the kick off meeting that she would start this journey to create a relationship with Sensei. Another young woman came to the realization that she didn’t have a mentor and had never really thought about President Ikeda even being her mentor. As she began her journey, she realized that all the relationships she’d been struggling with were starting to improve.
And a young man, a Jr. High and High School student, determined to improve his grades and change the way his teachers see him at school. His determination came from Sensei’s desire for all youth to become happy and make a difference in society.
We are determined that every activity in our region within this 100-day campaign will help even one more youth commence their journey of the oneness of mentor and disciple. When Sensei comes to LA North, we will be youth who experience no doubt or confusion, no uncertainty or fear.
LA North Region